Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Polar Express

!WARNING....MOVIE SPOILER! Do not read the following blog if you haven't, and plan on seeing "The Polar Express".

Maddie is obsessed with trains, she loves everything about them. I thought it would be fun to watch the movie "The Polar Express" today with her. She actually enjoyed it, and paid attention most of the time. Throughout the movie she kept saying "I wanna see Santa!" Brandon and I had to assure her that Santa would show up, she just had to be patient. Finally the scene where the children get to see Santa had arrived. In the movie, the main character is frantically trying to see Santa, but he can't because the elves are standing on top of each other to see Santa themselves. I thought that was weird because wouldn't you think that Santa's Elves get to see Santa all year long? Anywhoo....Maddie was getting as impatient as the young boy! She was standing 2 feet from the T.V. rocking back and forth and shrieking "I wanna see Santa! I wanna see Santa!" then the crocodile tears started coming! I couldn't believe how much my little girl wanted to see Santa. It was amazing. Finally he showed up and she calmed down. She was much happier. Then she turned to me and said "I want presents." Kids.

1 comment:

Bruce & Jean Hiatt Family said...

Mom and I viewed the same movie the same night, how fun. Jean had never seen it and was really glad to view it. I think she was as happy as Maddy.
