Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tornado Aftermath

Here are some pics taken right after a tornado swept down our street this afternoon. There had been tornado warnings earlier in the day (which I was completely unaware of). It looked like rain outside, gloomy, gray overcast. Well, Brandon, Maddie and I were just sitting in the kitchen talking about the storm. Brandon was hoping the power wouldn't go out, and I was telling him to relax, because NOTHING had happened yet. happened. The wind really picked up and it was raining so hard outside that it was a blur. Then we heard this screeching metal sound and saw flashes of light through the window (that was the neighbors tree falling). We raced to the bathroom and bunked out for about 10 seconds, until the sounds stopped. Then, we looked outside and this is what we saw. The shed use to be flush with the house, I think that's what made the "screeching metal sound". Thankfully no one in the neighborhood was hurt, just the trees, a new truck, and some fencing and lawn furniture took the brunt of the storm. Sadly, there are a couple dogs missing. Within minutes though everyone was out, helping to clear the debris from the blocked street. I can't believe we just lived through our first tornado. It was amazing, scary, and just an unbelievable experience.


susan said...

Crazy business! So glad you are alright.

JaNae said...

Oh no! that's so scary! thank goodness no one was hurt.