Monday, December 6, 2010

Snow Day

This morning we had some light flurries just dancing through the air as Brandon took Maddie to Pre-K. I had just got Allie down for her morning nap and was elbow deep in cleaning the house when Brandon and Maddie showed up, 15 minutes later from school. Turns out there was a 2 hour delay for school today that nobody told me about. Ok, great. This turn of events sorta threw a wrench into my whole "day of deep cleaning" mode. Long story short Maddie ended up staying home ALL day because when it was time to take her back to school my car battery was dead. The click click click sound as I turned the car-key was not what I wanted to hear after I had just done the carseat battle with Allie, in the freezing cold. As soon as I told Maddie that she wasn't going to school today because the car wouldn't start she went into full on crying hysterical uncontrollable freak out. Seriously! It was crazy. She was pretty upset for about 30 minutes. This isn't like her and it made me realize that 1. She LOVES school and will have to finish out her school year here no matter what and 2. Wow, she really can throw a class A fit when she wants to. So, after things had calmed down the girls and I just chilled at home, watched the snowfall from the comfort of the couch and enjoyed Christmas flicks. I also whipped up a batch of peanut butter cookies. Delish.

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